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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Facebook of Hate...

I woke up to this long post stream about gay marriage and illegal immigration.  Charged issues to be sure.  I feel I need to comment though.  But first...  the original post... then some disclosures.

AMY is wondering why people in this country feel illegals should be treated equally, if not better, than its own American citizens, yet have a cow and do everything they can to ban gay marriages? It seems as a whole, the country looks down on our American gay population yet throws free education and welfare at those who don't even belong here. I don't get it. How are our own people being treated fairly?

Now the disclosures...

I am gay. I'm not out to many people for fear of being discriminated against or hated for what I really am.  Though recently I have chosen to be more open about my life.

Secondly, I have had two incidents with illegal immigrants.  Since 2000 I've been the victim of identity theft.   My credit report continuously shows a "Juan Manriquez" and no matter how many times I try to get rid of them, they reappear.  And then I get the creditors calling to collect on his passed due car loan and his foreclosed house!  And the second incident is in 2005 where one crashed into the back of my truck, totaling it and then tried to get away.  Luckily the witnesses held him at the scene until the cops arrived. But he still gave false information and to this day they can't find him.  My back is still screwed up from the accident.

Now my comment...

I think the operative word here is illegal.  As stated above... I have no problems with any races or nationalities crossing the border legally on work visas, student visas, etc.  What I do take issue with is the pro-immigration groups and politicians playing word games and calling other illegal crossers "undocumented"... which is just a fancy term for "they didn't fill out the paperwork to be here legally"... which if reasoned to it's natural conclusion means they are here illegally and should have no rights or say under our laws.  When a person commits a crime in this country, they are sent to jail and stripped of several rights.  All of these so called "undocumented workers" have committed a crime the instant the crossed the border... and thus do not deserve any rights, consideration, or other benefits of their act.  The should not profit from their initial crime of illegal entry.  It would be like a burglar breaking into your home, eating your food, ringing up charges watching your pay-per-view, but then fixing your broken plumbing or painting your walls for you... and then expect to be rewarded despite them breaking in in the first place.

In regards to gay marriage, as a gay man it saddens me that I... an American citizen... cannot marry the person I live.  It is an afront to my pursuit of happiness promised to me by our Declaration of Independence.  Now I know that document is not an official guarantee of rights.  But it does describe what the Founding Fathers had in mind.  As does the constitution... which specifically separated the church from the state in this country.  If anyone can show how gays and lesbians having the right to marry whomever the choose is detrimental to the country's well-being and not bring up a religious argument to back up their claims, I will listen willingly and try to understand your point of view.  But I fear that this truly is a question of religion beginning to have more and more of a hold over the government.

One disclaimer I forgot...  I am a Christian... a Lutheran from birth.  I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  I am a believer that all who believe in him are saved.  I go to church every Sunday.  I have to hide my homosexuality from the church so I do not get persecuted or expelled.  I believe in their message for the most part.  But it is my religion and no one else's.  I do not force it upon other groups saying "You are going to hell".  I do not use it to breed hate, discrimination, or social unrest simply because it's what my religion teaches.

We have a great nation... a nation built upon several freedoms.  But every day, I fear our freedoms are being eaten away and replaced with hate towards it's citizens... and love towards it's criminals.

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