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Saturday, August 7, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 25: The reason you believe you’re still alive today.

Coming to the end of another week of 30 Days of Truth.  In fact, this is the last weekend for it, seeing as how it will be ending next Thursday.  Don't worry, I'm working on something else to start up again shortly. :)

The reason I'm alive today... well seeing as how previous truths have also touched on my faith, I'm going to say God's Plan.  I know that's not exactly the most clear answer... but God's Plan isn't clear to anyone.  Nor is it the answer that I imagine the original author of the 30 Days was thinking.  They were probably looking for something more personal... something that touched specifically me.  But what could be more personal they a relationship with God?

Later on today, I'll be posting the Week in Preview for the final 5 days of this project.  Then we'll be back to just me posting for a little bit.   I'm going to see if I can keep it up without the prompts from the 30 Days project.  Cross your fingers everyone!

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