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Friday, August 6, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 24: Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. - PART 2

So I realized after posting that I didn't really follow instructions well.  I didn't indicate why I choose what I did.  So this post is to correct that. :)

"Both Sides Now" was featured on the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies in Vancouver.  Her blues/jazz version far surpasses the original acoustic recording she did decades ago.  Maybe because she's older and the lyrics have a far deeper meaning now.  But whatever the reason, these lyrics and this song really speak to me.

Glee on Fox is one of my guilty pleasures.  I was in a choir (granted not a show choir) back in my youth and loved it.  So listening and watching Glee is like a flashback to my youth.  And the musical selections work really well with the stories they tell.

Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog is sheer genius from Joss Whedon.  I loved the musical episode of Buffy... and this short film released via the internet is along the same vein of brilliance.

Inception and Sherlock Holmes - Movie scores (not the soundtracks) are some of my favorite things to listen to while working.  You're not bothered with lyrics that distract.  Instead you feel the emotion of the film come through on it's score.  And Hans Zimmer is one of my favorite composers.  It's almost like having a personal soundtrack as you work.

Hello Dolly, Music Man, and Broadway My Way - Showtunes... my other passion.  Which I guess is why I like Dr Horrible and Glee too.  I love music that tells a story.  Hello Dolly was my first theater production I ever saw.  It was in 4th grade and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Celtic Woman - Beautiful women with beautiful voices.  No I'm not switching sides... I just love a good acapella arrangement with strong harmonies.  They bring that... and so much more to their albums.

Star Wars and Lord of the Rings - These are not music, but dramas.  Back in the 30s-50s, before TVs, people listened to the radio for news and entertainment.  News is still delivered that way.  But entertainment is nearly gone.  You'll find it on NPR sometimes, but it's kinda rare.  Radio plays are like a theater of the mind.. you can imagine the characters and the scenes... but you get the benefit of sound effects and music... and a full cast doing their roles.   I love listening to them in bed... or when traveling in the car.  It's great entertainment from a bygone era.

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