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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 22: Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

There are several regrets I have about my life.  I wish I hadn't left college to work full time.  I wish I hadn't let my weight go.  I wish I'd been more careful about money before now.  All of these things are valid, albeit small things.  But it's the small things that really affect how your life turns out.

If I hadn't left college to work full time, I wouldn't have met Janell... wouldn't have moved out on my own to Phoenix... and a whole slew of other things.

If I hadn't let my weight go, I might be healthier... maybe not have the stomach issues or the back pain I have still.

If I had been more careful about money, I might not be living with my parents... living a lie.

But all things work out for a reason... and those are in the past.  I regret many things... but those experiences are what makes us who we are today.  And honestly,  though I'm not entirely happy now... I think I'm finally on the right path to happiness.

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