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Monday, August 2, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Two-thirds of the way through the project and still blogging!  To be honest, I didn't think I would make it this far.  But the theme concept of this "30 Days" project has managed to keep me motivated.  I might try to find another 30-day project after this one ends. :)

My views on drugs and alcohol... there's a broad topic of discussion.  Let's get the second one out of the way as it's easy and I don't feel it belongs in the same class as drugs.  Alcohol can be beneficial but it can also be damaging.  I personally don't drink, but that doesn't mean that I don't mind when others do.  I guess you could say I'm your perfect designated driver.  The only problem I really have with Alcohol is when people can't drink in moderation... preferring to get completely drunk and lose their basic faculties... like standing.  A buzz is fine... even slightly further... but drinking yourself under the table is not healthy in my opinion.  I've seen far too many of my past friends get into trouble due to drinking... and that's why I choose not to.

Drugs on the other hand could be divided into 2 specific groups... well almost three... Recreational (like cocaine and marijuana) and Medicinal... which could be divided further into over the counter and then prescription.  Recreational use I'm against completely.  I have never and will never willing do that to my body.  I don't understand why people use drugs or need drugs to feel good or happy or whatever. Over the counter and Prescription drugs are great unless abused... but even prescription medications are starting to annoy me now too.  When did it become OK for the list of side effects to be 5 times as long as the list of health issues the drug treats?!  I'm getting sick of seeing the ads on TV for prescription medications for erectile dysfunction, chronic pain, high cholesterol, asthma, and similar ailments that have so many side effects you start to question "Why am I taking this drug in the first place?!"  You start to get drugs to treat the side effects and then drugs to treat THOSE side effects...  when did that become OK?  My Grandma when she past away was so doped up because the doctors kept prescribing more and more drugs to deal with side effects more than the original ailment.


Anna said...

You're like my drug and alcohol twin. I'm totally the same way. I'll drink occassionally, but never to excess (I've gotten the spins twice in my life and hated myself for days and weeks after). I can't stand the thought of not having control over my mind and my body, and recreational drugs just make no sense to me in that context. Plus, my life is essentially great, so why do I need to do drugs to make myself feel good?

I try not to take any medication either, unless absolutely necessary. I've seen my sister-in-law dope herself up for back pains, anxiety, you name it, she's probably on it. And then she wonders why she can't sleep at night or why her doctor has to switch her anxiety meds.

And if you liked that 30 day thing so much, why not come up with a new one yourself? I'd totally jump on the band wagon once I'm done with mine (although at the rate I'm going right now, that could take months).

Jon said...

Just keep at it, Anna. Nobody said it had to be 30 CONSECUTIVE Days, did they? :)