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Monday, July 26, 2010


I'm laughing my ass off reading all these articles about how mexicans are fleeing Arizona to New Mexico and elsewhere ahead of SB1070 going into effect.  The amount of yard sales here in Phoenix has gone up exponentially as people attempt to sell what they can so they don't have to move it... or leave it behind and make nothing from it.

But what I'm REALLY getting a kick out of is the quotes from some of these people...

"Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving," said Villasenor, 31, who is headed for Pennsylvania. "We have no alternative. They have us cornered."
 ~ You're an illegal immigrant... did you expect us to ignore the law like the federal government has?

Or perhaps the mexican housewife that is going with her husband to New Mexico.  He is here legally... she is not.  Yet she is complaining that the law would make it illegal for her husband to drive her to the shops.   Um, lady?  How about the fact that WHERE YOU ARE STANDING IS ILLEGAL too!?

Or maybe the high schooler complaining about having to move to Albuquerque...

"It makes me sad and angry too because I feel I have the right to be here," said Bustillos, 17, who recently graduated from high school in Phoenix.

So we basically paid for your education, which is fine... you are here apparently legally (though that is room for debate too since your parents are both illegal). But what you are saying is you feel you have the right to be here now.  Guess what?  YOU DO!  I may not like it but as an anchor baby, you could stay here.   Your parents however are breaking the law... and setting a VERY bad example for you about our laws.

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