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Thursday, July 29, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 16: Someone or something you definitely could live without.

There's no gentle way to put this....  Morons.  I can't stand people who can't do the simple jobs assigned to them.  Or are unable to grasp hold of the simplest concepts.  From filling out paperwork properly to handling simple computer tasks.

Case in point, one of my coworkers who has the laughable title of "Office Manager".  She herself says she has nothing to do with the running of the business.  ?!?!?   What exact does an "Office Manager" do then?  She doesn't know how to use Word or Excel... or even figure out how to save a Favorite or Bookmark in Internet Explorer!  SERIOUSLY!?  That's like basic office skills there... and you're suppose to be the MANAGER!?

Ok, rant over. :)   Can you tell I'm having a bad day at work? LOL


Anna said...

In theory, the office manager's job is to order supplies, hire temps, take care of any equipment failure, etc. But there is absolutely no excuse for someone not being able to use Microsoft Office or IE in this day and age. None at all, especially not if you're working for a company even remotely dealing in computers and software.

Jon said...

The sad part, Anna, is most of that job description falls to me. I'm the supply order guy, I take care of the equipment as the technology coordinator, etc. I don't hire temps but we never actually have temporary workers due to the sensitive nature of medical records. But you see the stupidity of not knowing Office or IE in the 21st century? Sad she still has a job just because she's been here for over 25 years.