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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gone Crazy

Ok look... I'm sorry you lost your son in the war and I agree that Bush has led this country down a path that has placed us in an untenable position internationally as well as here at home. But your latest project... having Congress impeach Bush by your deadline is not only improbable it's done right unrealistic. And to provide an "or else" of running to replace Pelosi... the Speaker of the House? PULEEZE! Time and time again the Democrats have said they do NOT intend to impeach Bush... however much he may deserve it. So all you're doing is just showing your fanatical side now. For goodness sake, just sit down and shut up like you said you were going to do.

On second thought, maybe we should elect her in... so she can see just how difficult it is for one freshman member of Congress to get anything of value done. She'd be ousted by the end of her term. Or she would resign...

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