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Friday, September 3, 2010

Preliminary Farewells... or not

This may be the last evening my beloved Brian sits in the parking lot... then again it may not. LOL   I have an appointment tomorrow morning with Peoria Kia to investigate whether or not they may have a vehicle I can better afford.  With payments of close to $700 a month... and gas mileage that requires a Home Equity Loan to fund... I fear Brian's days are numbered.  He's been a great little truck.  I fell in love with him the first night I owned him... driving the freeways into the late evening hours.  But in the current economy, he's a luxury I can no longer afford.  Taking a 20% pay cut at work... and still having a behemoth of a monthly payment made him a very inviable means of transportation.

He really was an impulse buy to begin with.  Having been in a massive rear-end collision that totaled his predecessor, Justin, I really wanted a massive car around me... and Justin's younger sibling seemed like the perfect fit.  Justin was a 2001 Dodge Dakota Club Cab that made it 114,000 miles with no major mechanical defects at all.  Brian is at a mere 58,200 miles but I've owed him 1 year longer than I owned Justin.... and yet I still am starting to see the wear and tear on him.  Brian hasn't held up nearly as well as Justin did.  Too much plastic and economizing done by Dodge's corporate parents made their cars cheap... and it really shows on the resale values.

So onward, Tomorrow.  It all depends on what kind of deal they can offer me... and what kind of interest rate I can get... and if the numbers match up... I may have a new friend to name tomorrow night.  If that happens, I'll be posting again tomorrow asking for name suggestions for the new kid on the block. :)

As an aside... Some people have asked where Brian and Justin received their names from.  There are many possible references to both actually.   Justin came about because he was green... or jade in color... which led to named beginning with 'J'.  Also, Justin Timberlake was the crush of my boyfriend AJ at the time... and he helped name Justin the truck.  Finally, the hot show at the time was Queer as Folk... and as I was just coming out of my shell... Like Justin Taylor on QaF... Justin seemed to fit then too.  Brian on the other hand is Red... and thus Burgandy begot 'B' names.  Brian is also MY favorite Boy Band crush, Brian Littrell... and also Justin's love interest on Queer as Folk.  I didn't have a boy friend at the time... so Brian was all my idea for the name. :)

So what do you think?  Should I continue the naming convention and find another boy-band member/Queer as Folk Character?   Or start fresh?    Here's a pic of the model... but not necessarily the color... or the vehicle that I'm looking at...

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