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Monday, September 13, 2010

New Tactics

A friend sent this to me... and while it seems like just another chain letter for forwarding, the message it contains could save someone from a lot of trouble... if not their life.  So I'm posting it here... and on my Facebook...

A Travel Tip For Your Safety...
On the way to Canton, a driver saw an infant car seat on the side of the road with a blanket draped over it.  They did not stop, even though they had all kinds of thoughts running through their head. But when they got to their destination, they called the Canton PD and they were going to check it out. This is what they were told...

Several things to be aware of .. gangs and thieves are now plotting different ways to get a person to "stop" their vehicle. There is a gang initiation reported by the local police department that gangs are placing a car seat by the road...with a fake baby in it...waiting for a woman, of course, to stop and check on the baby. Note that the location of this car seat will usually be beside a wooded or grassy (field) area ...and the person - woman - will be dragged into the woods- beaten and raped- usually left for dead.


A Second Travel Tip For Your Safety...
If you are driving at night and have an egg thrown at your windshield, DO NOT operate the wiper and DO NOT spray any water/window washer fluid.  The eggs will become milky and block upwards of 90% of your vision through the windshield.  This would then force you to stop and once again become the victim of theives along the side of the road... or worse.  It's better to leave the eggs there until you either arrive at your destination, or if this is too far... the next well-lit, manned service station like a truck stop.  DO NOT STOP at anyplace where a human presence is not guaranteed to be there... such as a freeway rest stop or self-serve fuel pumps.

Please pass this on to your loved ones.  These new tactics are starting to get the criminals results and I would hate for anyone to fall victim to this new kind of attack.

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