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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 1: A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Welcome to September... and the first of 30 Days of Me!  First off a recent picture of me...

Does taking one this morning count? :)  Forgive the forlorn look... it's 9am and I'm just getting to work... and didn't really sleep well last night.  But hey... it wanted a recent pic right? :)

And now for the 15 interesting facts about me...

  1. I'm allergic to milk (lactose intolerate) and it's been getting worse as I get older.  My diet has had to significantly change since I was 9 when I would drink a full glass at every meal.
  2. I love to drive... aimlessly, sometimes.  Not exactly the cheapest habit to have with my truck or gas prices today... but it's just fun to be alone for a while... listen/sing along to the music while cruising down the road.
  3. I use to play soccer in my youth... and was in a youth soccer program for 2 years... taking 6th place the first year and 4th the second.  (Yeah, the team I was on wasn't very good.)
  4. I get motion sickness from rides like Star Tours and the old Star Trek Experience in Vegas.  That didn't stop me from going on them.  I dislike or am afraid of roller coasters as well because I fear they would probably generate the same feelings.
  5. I loathe todays "Comic Geniuses"... ie: Will Farrell, Adam Sandler, the late Chris Farley...  they're brand of comedy embarrasses and disgusts me.  I can't stand to watch any of their films.  I do like Mike Myers most of the time though.
  6. I despise the Fry's Grocery Store across the street from my apartment to the point of obsession.  It's one of the tiniest grocery stores I've ever been in yet it still thinks it can stock that same items you'd find in a Walmart SuperCenter.  The aisle widths barely let 2 carts go down it... yet they still stack piles of canned goods in the middle of the aisles so that you can barely get ONE cart through.
  7. I listen to old-time radio shows... like Jack Benny, Sherlock Holmes, The Shadow.  I also listen to modern recordings from the BBC of Agatha Christie novels that have been dramatized for radio broadcast.
  8. My movie collection is incredibly varied... from classic war films like Midway and Where Eagles Dare... to chick flicks like A Cinderella Story and The First Wives Club... to modern blockbusters like Transformers and 2012.
  9. I hung out and worked at the library during high school rather than with friends... and got an award when I graduated for "Service to the Library".
  10. I seem to cause school buildings to renovate or expand while there... but they never complete until after I've moved on.  My elementary school for 5th and 6th grades expanded with 10 new classrooms in a brand new wing that opened AFTER I moved on to Junior High.  Then the junior high renovated to become a Middle School the year AFTER I moved on to High School.  Then the high school completely renovated the campus including building a new administration building, library, and renovating the interior of the auditorium... all of which opened the year AFTER I graduated.
  11. I love a sandwich shop in Tucson, AZ named Eegee's.  They have the most awesome deli grinder sub. I try to go there everytime I go to Tucson.
  12. I use to build/work-on computers from 1997-2004 but then when it came time for me to get a new one, I bought a Dell.  Was tired of the troubleshooting aspect.  But now I'm ready to get another new one and I'm gonna build my own again.
  13. When I was at community college starting in 1994, I couldn't WAIT to move out on my own and get my own place.  I finally did that by moving to Phoenix with the computer stores in 1999... but after I did, I missed my parents the first month.
  14. I only talk to 1 of my friends from my high school days... and I didn't go to the ten year reunion in 2004.
  15. Some sporting events I can really get in to.... others no.  And sometimes it's the same sport that I hate or dislike.  For example... sometimes I'll watch baseball... sometimes I'll be really into the game... while others I flip to another channel almost immediately.  The longer I'm watching the game, the more I'm into it.
Well that's it for the first installment of 30 days.  See ya next time. :)

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