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Friday, July 23, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Welcome to the 10th day of 30 Days of Truth.  With this post we are now a third of the way through the project and I must say it's been interesting and very insightful coming up with these things.  It's definitely making me examine my life more... which was it's intended purpose.

Someone I need to let go or wish I didn't know... hmm, this one might just be the toughest one to date.  Because for the others I had some idea of what direction I was going to go.  This one is a total mystery to me.  I don't have many friends or acquaintances to begin with.  And the ones I do have I don't have any issues with.  But if there was one person that I wish I didn't know it would probably be a friend of my boss... who will remain nameless for this exercise... but who is constantly calling me at the office for technical support on his home computers.

Now that I run my own business on the side, this is like giving away free support to him.  And if the support actually benefited the company I work for full-time, I wouldn't mind so much.  But because these are his home PC's... he does NO business with us... I feel like he's just mooching off of my time and knowledge without any payoff.

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