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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We've All Gone Insane...

...if this is what passes for promoting a more comfortable environment. A school in Virginia has implemented a strict... and I mean REALLY strict... 'no contact' rule. It's meant to ward off fights and the like.... which is a good thing. But the rule also bans handshakes, high-fives, and hugging... and any other form of physical contact! So the rule basically bans being polite when greeting someone, congratulating a classmate, and showing affection to your friends. They say the rule is meant to be broad and up to the individual school official seeing the offending action to enforce it at their discretion. But already a student has been repremanded and threatened with DETENTION for... wait for it... "HUGGING HIS GIRLFRIEND AT LUNCH!" I have never NEVER heard of such a thing!

Betcha prom this year is REALLY going to be fun at that school... with everyone just standing around, unable to dance touching each other for fear of getting detention! WTF!?

Any rule that broad makes enforcement impossible because one teacher will enforce it strictly because they don't want to be the one that didn't warn someone who gets into a fight... while other teachers will be incredibly leanient and then you have students crying foul because of unfair or unbalanced treatment!

In this age of digital communication, the breakdown of social interaction through lack of physical contact is at an all-time high. Do we REALLY want to be teaching our children that ANY form of physical interaction is wrong?! And do we REALLY need to be expending the school's limited resources in policing such a bizarre rule? How about focusing on education... or if you are that interested in what is BAD at the school... work on solving more important issues like drugs being used in the restrooms or other nefarious tasks that I personally have seen done during my high school days.

Read the article on MSNBC and see what you think...

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