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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Digging for Sewage

We're having soo much fun at the office these days. We were suppose to move the office at the beginning of the year, well a problem occurred during construction at our new offices. There's suppose to be a break room, with a small kitchen area, and a sink. And that's where the problems began. Because apparently that sink is a sink in name only... unless you considering all the money the landlords are "sinking" into it to make it a sink.

It seems the is no drain in the suite. A minor detail when it comes to sinks. So our question became "How in the world did the previous tenant have a sink when there is no drain?" Easy... massive building code violations. Apparently they had some kind of pump that actually took the drain water up to the ceiling level (yeah... sewer lines over your heads... sounds like a great idea to me). The lovely city is not allowing us to put a pump in, citing health and safety reasons... so now the great dig of 2007 commences. So instead of moving forward with finishing work like final coats of paint, moldings, carpeting, etc... we're sawing through concrete slabs, jackhammering it out, and digging underneath trying to find a sewer line that is suppose to be down there somewhere. But here's where it gets REALLY interesting.

It's not where it's suppose to be. The original architectural plans show one there... and the plumbing company the landlords contracted with to map the lines say there is one there... but so far, they've been unable to physically locate it. At this point, they could keep digging and I bet China would be more likely to be found than the sewer lines!

Gotta love construction delays...

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