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Wednesday, December 7, 2005


We seem to be finding new and interesting ways to allow the torture of captives. Today the US said they took the CAT (Conference Against Terrorism) to mean that we couldn't torture on US soil....but everywhere else was OK? What the hell?!?

The Bush Administration has single handedly destroyed this countries reputation and set us back decades in the fight for equal human rights. The United States use to stand for freedom, liberty, and justice for all.... now it's to all who we deem deserving of it? Fuck that!

Congratulations, Dubya... you've once again fucked over this country. I HOPE TO GOD the republicans do NOT retain control of Congress after the '06 elections. A win for them would only allow Bush to once again say "I have a mandate, the American People have spoken, and they want me to continue what I'm doing."


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