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Friday, November 11, 2005

The Wall Between Us and Them

Don't know if you've heard, but some lawmakers are proposing a wall that would run the entire length of the United States' southern border...from California to help control the amount of illegal aliens crossing the border into the US. Today, I read an article in the Arizona Daily star the quotes the US Ambassador to Mexico as saying President Bush is against building such a wall. His response is such a wall would is be both "unrealistic and undesireable". Deflecting the reason for the wall to controlling immigration, the Ambassador said supporting President Bush' proposals for a guest worker program would do a much better job of regulating immigration. Here's an exact quote from the article...

He said building a wall also would not help the United States' relations with its Latin American neighbors, relations that appeared frayed in last week's summit of the Americas.

"Looking at the big picture, I believe we should, rather than retrenching into the isolationism that tempts some, build upon our relationships," he said.

Improving cooperation with Latin America would be the United States' best guarantee of security, Garza said, adding that the benefits of free trade needed to be conveyed more clearly to the millions of Latin Americans who live in poverty.

Ok to rebutt each point... "relations appeared frayed"... Of course they do. All of our international relationships have been set back decades thanks to our independant stance the we needed to go to war and to hell with the rest of you. We've abandoned the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, we've not agreed to the Kyoto Accord, we've gone to war with Iraq and destabilized the entire region.... do you think the world has reason to be pissed at us? I would say so...

"Retrenching into Isolationism"... how is protecting our borders a return to isolationism? We have military bases throughout the world, are actively assisting other countries with foreign aid packages, and are one of the most respected members of the United Nations... well, we were until we said "Screw You, we're going to war anyways!"

"Improving cooperation with Latin America would be the best guarantee of security"... No, a wall would. Cooperation with another country will only get you so far. The wall will not only block illegal immigrants from latin america, but will also help curb to influx of foreign terrorists from entering THROUGH another country. It's already been shown that TONS of people of literally walking across the border from Mexico into the United States. Would it not stand to reason that they need NOT be Hispanics?

Living in Arizona, I say build the wall. Those who cross the border for honest work will still have no problems at the official border crossings, but we'll drastically cut down on illegals coming across....AND we'll cut down on the threat of a terrorist sneaking across the border.

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