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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Up Late

Well, it looks like I'm getting hooked on a brand new computer game...and it's not even out yet. I downloaded the demo for Age of Empires III tonite and have been playing it ever since. I noticed it on the File Planet website while I was downloading the new patch to World of Warcraft. I've been a fan of the Age Series since the first one released back in the mid 90s, although I STILL haven't place Age of Mythology yet.

Age III takes the game experience to a whole new level though with simply AMAZING graphics. The demo lets you play around with a couple skirmishes and lemme tell you when you get into the heavier artillary, like cannons and the like, devastation is unreal. Buildings physically break apart upon impact...and not always in the same way! These are 3D models not just good ol' sprites that the previous generation of games used.

I could go on an on and continue gushing about the game but it's WAY past my bedtime as it is. So here is a link to the new Age III website. Check out the screen shots. Scheduled release date is October 18th. Not in time for my birthday, but after playing the demo for 4 hours, I think it will be well worth the wait. :)

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