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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The New Game

Chuck and I have developed a new game for the drive in to work. We carpool, alternating weeks as to who is driving. So to pass the time we started counting cars on our way in. Not just any cars though... Kia Sorentos, Chuck's car. The current record is seeing 13 Sorentos in one day (counting the trip to and the trip from work). We've even implemented rules. For example, The car must be owned by an individual (not on a dealer's lot or carried by a semi). Think we're nutty, yet? Just wait.

We've somehow started counting the Toyota Prius' (cause of the gas mileage), Dodge Chargers (cause they look cool), and Chrysler 300 Hemi's (cause it's a HEMI!). LOL.

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