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Friday, September 16, 2005

Mourning A Loss

It's easy to see which kitty isn't coping very well at the house I'm watching the next couple of weeks. He's gotten into the habit and either sitting next to the front door or in the front window just looking out waiting for his Dad to come home. Unfortunately, this is only day 2 of a 14 day vacation trip so he's got a long way to go. Tonite, he started meowing and eventually moaning while sitting next to the front door. :( At least we've kind of bonded. He lets me pick him up and give him "lap-time" now where he just sits on my lap and lets me pet him. But the other kitty is another matter. No matter how hard I try, she won't let me brush her (her favorite thing is to be brushed with a hairbrush). However, she's not moaning either so maybe in a few days she'll finally let me in. Who knows.

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