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Monday, September 26, 2005

Email Taunts and Apple Pie

Ok, first thing you must realize is the boss' wife makes THE BEST apple pies on the face of the planet. They are simply perfect. Light, flaky crust, spiced to perfection, and made from only the best apples.

Well we at the office have been basically BEGGING for apple pies for the last couple months now to no avail. (The response was we're waiting for the apples to get back in season.) Well, today at the office we just received an email from the "Dude" (Boss) that the Dudette (Boss' wife) was in the kitchen making one of her famous apple pies while they stayed up at his sister's place in Montana....part of their 30th anniversay trip. Well of course, that email just got the office all riled up which then promptly started an email volley back and forth...with everything from "You'll never see the kitties alive again" to "the brush fire in your front yard didn't do too much damage" being sent.

Somehow, I got dragged in to it melee after someone suggested that Percival was now on oxygen but the EMTs say he'll be fine as soon as his furr stops smoldering! Eventually, I revealed that I was in charge of 2 apple pies, left by the Dudette in the freezer at their house for over 4 months...FOUR MONTHS...that the office staff was never told existed! Well it was decided (after I revealed I had been allowed to bake one by the Dudette, under major protests from the Dude) that I would bake a pie in retaliation.

Oh the price of taunting us with FRESH HOMEMADE HOT APPLE PIE...

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