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Tuesday, May 14, 2002

I'm gonna need to rework the music section soon. Ever since Launch was bought...or should I say assimilated! Yahoo, they've been dropping features like hot potatoes. The way LaunchCasts are played now is different. You can't link to a specific video anymore through a link, and it automatically dumps you into other videos when your's finishes playing. Sometimes I think Yahoo IS the Borg! You know, Resistance is Futile, and all that crap. They're the Microsoft of the internet...why bother creating our own stuff when we can buy someone elses? eGroups, Launch, even GeoCities hosting has fallen to Yahoo. Or maybe just create something that someone else already Maps (MapQuest), Auctions (eBay), or BillPay (PayPal). I mean really, have they come up with an original idea since they launched that search engine so many years ago?

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