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Monday, April 29, 2002

I'm actually thinking of spending one of these nights out on my patio instead of inside....and I mean the whole night. It'll kinda be like camping....but without the dirt. :) Actually, scratch that....WITH the dirt. My patio is so filthy it isn't even funny! But it's been so nice outside recently, and I do have an air matress I bought when Janell came for a visit a couple months ago. Plus, I never went camping as a kid. The camping field trip/science trip that my fifth grade class went on, clashed with another group I was in at the time, which had a performance scheduled for the same weekend. And that was more important to me at the time. And my family never went camping. We've never been the outdoorsy type, I guess. But now I think it would be fun...just to spend a night outside without the computers, the cellphones....well....maybe the cellphones could come. ;) But just to get away...even if it is only to the balcony. And it's pretty quiet in my I just might be able to do it.

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