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Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Here's an odd one for you. I'm checking out the Pride info for Phoenix, which is available at by the way, when I noticed that the volunteer orientation meetings take place at Augustana Lutheran Church? Um...I'm Lutheran, and I can tell you that homosexuality is considered "Sexually Immorality" by the church. So in the world did they get permission to use their facilities? Must be a WAY liberal synod to allow that! Maybe I should look into that! :) On the downer side, the festival is on April 13th, a day I'll be out of town. Poopies. :( And I really wanted to go to. It would have been my first Pride. Not that I'm really that 'out' anyway...but I think it would have been fun to go, even if I wasn't 'out'. Another step in my emerging process. Guess I'll just have to wait until next year. :(

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