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Tuesday, October 28, 2003


Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Time for an update...

I think it's about time I updated this thing again. It's been a while. I've been experiencing some lovely stomach problems of late. And unfortunately it's looking more and more like an ulcer. :( I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow to be sure. Other than that, not much happening here. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Times like this...

...I wish I had chosen an apartment with a washer and dryer inside it. This complex has plenty of laundry facilities. The only problem is people don't pay attention to the time that their laundry will be done at. 4 of the 5 dryers down there are currently stoped and have been since I put my wash in 45 minutes ago! The dryers only RUN for 45 minutes! So where on God's green Earth, are these people to get their clothes?!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

The West Wing

I've been watching the "West Wing" on Bravo cause I never got a chance to see them when they were on NBC. The few I did see were cool, and now watching them from the beginning makes it all make sense :) On a side note, it looks like they FINALLY decided to release the series to DVD in region 1. It's been in England for a while now, and is finally coming to the US. Check it out at Amazon by clicking below.

End of the Boys?

Well....I think the Backstreet Boys might just be done. I have no OFFICIAL proof of this, mind you. But a little while ago, both the BSB and NSYNC had their sites taken offline. So that no returns a "Cannot Find Server" message. NSYNC however? Well their site is back up....completely redesigned...and neither of them have albums scheduled to release any time soon. Neither of the sites are register to Jive, at least according to NetSol's whois lookup...but it looks like the NSYNC is still alive and kicking, while BSB die a quick death. But hey....check out the NSYNC some great pics of Justin up. :)

Oh...and those looking for a little more Lance, hit the gallery actually has a shirtless pic of him!

Updating the site...

A flurry of activity now, huh? I figured I should get back into this and start blogging again. So the site's "update" is finally getting finished up. Since I posted originally back in June that I was doing a redesign, I think I've spent enough time don't you? :) LOL

Anyway, the site's main section pages are in the place, but not much is on them yet. The About Jon and About Justin pages are up for you to browse. And of course you all the previous archives since Day 1 of this blog! Go and check out what kind of crappy life I've been leading! :)

Saturday, September 20, 2003

The Trading Spaces Hottie

Nope, I'm not talking about Ty...though he is a hottie too. :) I'm talking about the newest addition to the designers list, Rick Rifle. Yummy Yummy Yummy!

Opening Titles

You might have noticed that I've started using huh? :)

The Great Inkjet Conspiracy

Has anyone else noticed how fast the ink cartridges run out of ink? And then their so damn expensive! My personal fav just happened to me though. I haven't used my printer in like 2 months. I go to print a page today....nothing. No ink hit the page. I check and the printer says it has something like 50% of the black ink left and even more of the color! So I clean the heads. Nothing. Clean them again. Nothing. Finally, I just buy new inks anyway. THEN it starts to work. Too much ink dried on the heads! You're damned if you print stuff and run out of ink, or you're damned if you don't and the ink dries on the print head!!

Moving Again?

It looks like my friends might moving over to my neck of the woods. We looked at the 3 bedroom version of the apartments that I'm in now. One word for you.... HA-YUGE! I guess it's 1447 square feet and includes, get this... a full size washer and dryer, a fireplace, a wetbar, and even a trash compactor!! You've got to be kidding me?!? And this isn't even a luxury apartment complex!!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Gotta love it....blogging back at work again. LOL Maybe this weekend I'll actually get some sections done on this site :) LOL

Thursday, September 18, 2003

I'm soo lame. I haven't updated this is soooooo long :( Shame on Jon.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

Hey everyone....I've begun the redesign of this site. Most links aren't working right now but I'm working on it. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

An update on the Day of Silence.....some groups are urging parents to take their kids OUT OF SCHOOL to protest the Day of Silence. Oh that's good....yeah, let's interrupt a child's education because the parents are too close-minded or are mindless drones who just follow what these ultra-conservative groups say! So while the National Day of Silence looks to promote better relations and the end to violence of discrimination of GLBT youth, these conservative groups are promoting what? Ignorance?
Hands up all those who would REALLY like to kill Brian Kinney right now? (Wondering what the hell I'm talking about? - Queer as Folk, Third Season Episode 304 - Brian just stuck his nose where it didn't belong this whole episode. First, he works to get the ad contract for a candidate that is against gays. Then, he convinces Ethan that he should sign a contract that would require him to disavow any knowledge of Justin as his boyfriend and force him to deny he is gay!) let me get this straight. April 9th is National Day of Silence, where students will take a vow of silence for the 9 hours to protest violence and discrimination of GLBT youth. Yet conservative groups are screaming bloody murder. Why? Members of the Eagle Forum of Sacramento, Calif., a local chapter of anti-gay activist Phyllis Schlafly's national organization, passed out fliers in front of Elk Grove high schools that read: "Real Americans Do Not Push Homosexuality on Children!" The Eagle Forum claims the Day of Silence will further push the "homosexual agenda" on children, promoting what it calls an "immoral lifestyle."

Um....excuse me...but how are students, who won't talk all day and thus cannot communicating with are they "pushing" homosexuality on children? It seems to me THEY are the ones who are trying to get everyone to notice.

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Reasons not to....

1. Love is an illusion. Fuck love, Fuck commitment, Fuck relationships, Fuck everything.
2. You haven't said "I love you" in at least 4 days.
3. You've stopped calling me.
4. When I call you you think something is up, or I feel like I'm bothering you. I used to call you just to hear your voice, and you used to call to hear mine.
5. You don't wear the ring anymore.
6. Your friends stop calling me your boyfriend, and just call me your friend.
7. I never see you anymore.

Friday, February 28, 2003

Queer as Folk.... the THIRD season....only on Showtime....No Limits, Baby. Starts SUNDAY! March 2nd, 2003!
So much for posting regularly! He it is the end of February, 2003...3 MONTHS LATER and no posts! ARGH Anyway...what's happened with Boys 1, 2, and 3? Well Boy2 I have no clue one really sees or talks to him cause he wasn't around long enough to be considered a friend. Boy1 has decided to go straight. He's getting married in 3 years. Yep, I said years....he plans way out there so he has plenty of time ot fool around.

As for Boy3? :) We're together....engaged actually. He proposed to me on V-Day. And so far no bumps in the carpet. I love him a lot but this week has been hell! We take 2 days off at the beginning of the week to spend some time together and haven't seen each other since! His schedule this week has been the total opposite of mine. And since we live on opposite ends of town, it's very hard to get together.